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Me: I'm 97% sure you don't like me,
But I'm 100% sure I don't care.
Me: I have heels higher then your standards
Me: oh my, I just checked my receipt and it looks like I haven't bought any of your bullshit.
Them: you're going to end up alone because you're too picky
Me: you're gonna end up divorced because you settle for less
Me: you're not totally useless. You could be used as a bad example
Aunty: I see that attitude didn't go away
Me: I see your husband did
Them: I'm just not comfortable with who I am, I feel ashamed
Me: Don't be ashamed of who you are. That's your parents job.
Them: *tries to control me*
Me: if I was meant to be controlled I would've come with a remote.

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