Chapter 3: a new mission

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Back at HQ, the alarm went off meaning it was time for another mission so ninja, Henry and rumple got ready quick and they tapped on the large computer screen that read their next mission which was a robbery in progress "well let's go then" says Henry "wait, where's CaptainSwan?" Asked ninja then rumple fell to the floor laughing "what?" She asked then continued "it's their code name when they're together but seriously where's swan and killian they never miss out on important missions." Eventually rumple gets up from the ground and started to talk seriously "well they have their tracking devices on them so let's find out where they are." As the computer searches their signals he then says "their in space" ninja then asked "what are they doing there?" Rumple replies "I don't know, let's find out shall we?" He taps the call button and eventually swan answers "what are you two doing up there, your late for the mission" rumple asked. Swan replies "oh there is? I guess we didn't hear it, we're kinda busy at the moment" she says then he asked "doing what exactly" as he folds his arms into his chest then responds for an answer "making tacos and seeing what's on Netflix?" Hook replies this time "No, we are currently training again for upcoming missions" ninja facepalms then responded "umm hello? We kinda need you guys right now" hook replies with a smirk "well love looks like it's not gonna happen" then swan cuts in "besides you three can handle one simple robbery, now get to it before it's too late, oh and rumple we'll need your help with something later" rumple adds "fine" as he hangs up the call "well team lets get this mission over with" as they flew downtown to stop the robbery, once they reached the bank thousands of police officers were there "alright game plan time" announced rumple "Henry you distract the robbers with your jokes while you, ninja take them out and I'll just use my powers to take away their memories of what they're currently doing so they won't remember a thing" after the two did their job ninja then said to rumple and Henry "a simple thank you would suffice" then Henry says "thanks mom" as he hugged her then rumple said it even though he didn't want too "thank you ninja" he says, then ninja said "I'm a queen and a bit more refined" rumple then rolls his eyes and said "no your a ninja, and a good mother to your son if I do say so myself" Henry then says "well let's get back to HQ" then both rumple and ninja say "agreed" at the same time.

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