Chapter four: Someone is missing

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Back at HQ rumple and Henry were pretty tired after their mission so they decided to take a nap for a while after another while, Henry wakes up and decided to go for a walk so he left rumple a note and got his equipment together in case something went wrong or he got lost or even kidnapped so he started out on his journey then all of a sudden someone knocked him out cold, it was ninja "sorry Henry, it's for your own good" she says as she picks up Henry and takes him to CSHQ. A couple hours went by and Henry woke up as he was in some high tech cage that had lasers built in it, when he opened his eyes he saw greenie, belle, CaptainSwan ad ninja. Henry was surprised to see his mother "mom?" He asked "what are you doing here, and why are you with them?" Ninja replies "look Henry I know this is hard to explain but I can't tell you, I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway" Henry replied looking mad and sad "I'm sorry too, I don't trust you anymore...mother" as he turns away and starts crying "Henry please talk to me, I love you and you know that" he replies "NO I won't talk to you ever again, your not my mother...your just the evil queen" ninja looked very worried about losing her son "Henry I changed to be good remember, I didn't want to be evil anymore, I'm just with them for now" Henry just ignored her feeling angry at his mother.

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