CHAPTER FOUR: being a hero

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Meanwhile with Team 3 greenie was happy to be home "feels like yesterday I was here" then turns around to face both swan and Violet then said "you know I always want to know what being a hero's like because I saw the way both rumple and pan changed to be good, now I want to do the same...I want to start a new chapter in my life where I finally get a happy ending in my story" swan then says "well greenie I think that sounds like a great idea don't you two think so?" Hook replied "I think you definitely should" Violet then says "well I don't know you guys quite well but I say to follow your heart because that's what my father always said to me before he became king of his own kingdom." Greenie smiles "thanks you guys, I feel really appreciated that I can now turn my whole life around and not be this wicked witch anymore." As she smiles.

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