CHAPTER TWO: Swan's gone

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The next morning came as everybody at CTHQ was up, rumple decided to go check on Swan while he was holding his coffee once he's down there he spits out his coffee and is shocked that she's gone then he calls the team "red alert team!" Ninja replies "what's up?" Rumple sends a picture through his phone and shows them that swan isn't in her cell "how the freakin hell did she escape?" Asked ninja then Robin comes over then says "she's a sneaky one, don't worry ninja I'll get her back" she smiles then replies "as cute you are, I don't want yourself to get killed...yes you have arrows but she has far more dangerous weapons that could kill you in a straight second and I don't want to lose you Robin Hood because I love you!" He smiles to kiss her on the lips then says "I love you too ninja" as they both smile at each other "well now we need to figure out what's her next move" rumple says as he comes walking into the kitchen.

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