The Battle Between Good Vs Evil: Remake/Prologue

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You guys didn't think this was truly the end of the story did you? Lets get started, shall we?

We all know that every kid dreams about being superheroes right? Well let me tell you that's where you're wrong. People want to have superpowers and make a difference in the world but others choose a different path. Some people either want to show other people that they have been wrong or sometimes they just want revenge for what people have done to them in life. The people who chose the right path want justice and want to save the day while making the world a better place, while also protecting those they love wether it's their city or family members/friends. Then there's enemies that heroes meet in life when the villains make them weak or loose their powers but in the end, the heroes often win!
....or do they....let me show you.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now