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Rumple and pan go to his hideout "so how has my son been without me?" Rumple replies "why do you care, you abandoned me when I was a boy" pan continues then sighs "rumple I know we started off with a rough start but I want to start a new chapter in my life where I'm not the bad guy" rumple was confused then asked "what are you trying to say papa?" Pan hugged is son "look I'm honestly sorry for being a bad father to you, I want to have a second chance at making things right and being a hero instead of a villain...possibly have a happy ending! Can you forgive me rumple?" Rumple wasn't sure if he could trust his papa "how do I know it's not one of your tricks?" Pan poofed up something that he got for rumple's birthday one day so he opened it "no way, it's a new hero suit" rumple was really happy, pan then added "it even has built in gadgets and communicators to stay in touch with your teammates" he smiles "thanks papa, I love you" as he hugs him.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now