CHAPTER THREE: the particle accelerator

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So the plan went through as usual Dr. Killian Jones was about to turn on the machine despite what it was capable of and what it would do to everyone in Keystone City. "Alright here we go, in 3...2....1..." the machine was warming up then started to get ready as everyone prepared to see how it would explode. Then as planned all the particles ruptured from the machine and spreaded across the city. Everyone felt the dark matter hit them, after the machine was powered off everyone came out from they're protective spots "well that was it, that was the excitement?" rumble asked as he slowly stood up along with everyone else "yes mate, that's all the excitement from the machine, not sure if it worked or not but we'll have too find out until later on I guess." Replied Killian as he made sure the machine was fully off for good.

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