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Rumple called Hook, Henry "team two my father has been found, how are you guys doing?" Henry replies "we are doing well! We'll come find you guys" so they met up with rumple and ninja, so the team was together then they heard footsteps "hide y'all" rumple says as they all hid while swan walks in the room "give up heroes, I know your here to stop me but you can't especially you Canadian" so they all came out "we've stopped you before, we can do it again" says ninja. Swan grabs her transporting weapon and faces it towards them "well that's not going to happen I'm afraid" so she blasts a bright light at them while opening a portal so the heroes got sucked into it and got transported to an unknown deserted desert. Once the heroes were gone swan smiles then says to herself "ha now the heroes are finally out of my way and cannot stop me!" Meanwhile the heroes were trying to figure out where they were "where are we?" Asked Henry then rumple replies "I don't know.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now