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Where we last left off team CTRP, they decided to retire for a it came to that time that they should all team up again and have powers again so they all met up at CTHQ "well gang it's good to see you guys again after a long time, now today's mission is stopping a bank robbery" rumple said. "So what's the plan gonna be?" Asked swan then Greenie responded "maybe we should use Hamilton annoy them to death!" Rumple replied looking a bit annoyed "and if that doesn't work you'll have a plan B I presume?" She replied "I'll annoy them with Grey's along with hook" rumple facepalmed "anyone else have a better idea?" Ninja replied "we sneak in and attack them from behind, they'll never suspect a thing" rumple was quite happy with that "amazing idea ninja, that's exactly what I was looking for!" Then the team went downtown to stop the robbery, they split up. One team was Greenie, Henry and belle while the other team was rumple, hook and swan so they did different parts but overall the mission was accomplished so they went back to HQ and relaxed for a while.

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