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Back at Chocotaco city, The evil queen and swan were already changing things up so they started changing the city to Storybrooke, The heroes HQ was now called the bank of villains, the evil queen declared swan the mayor and herself as the president so now they can move on to there are more further plan. Meanwhile pan was at rumple's office doing some work then all of a sudden his lights turn off by themselves  "huh that's weird" he thought so he went to turn them back on and nothing happened all of a sudden the evil queen and Swan both poofed to rumple's office where they saw Pan "Who are you guys, what do you want?" Then for evil queen replies "why you of course, now swan!" As she went behind him and ripped his shadow out of himself causing him to die "Great job swan, now we can finally win without anyone stopping us" Swan replies "not even those annoying heroes."

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