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So as the four of them were suiting up at CTHQ, they grabbed their weapons and gadgets and drove off to CSHQ "alright what's the plan killian?" Asked ninja "well I'll go in there as normal but I'm gonna try to get swan to join the good side" belle then says "I will talk some sense into rumple then you two attack greenie, afterwards we'll meet up so good luck team" swan finds hook in the hallway "hook solo what are you doing?" He turns around then answers "well I decided to join CTHQ for good, you should too love" swan replies with a question "why's that?" He then says "aye we need to bring crocodile back to the good side" she replies "fine just this once" they go off to find rumple.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now