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Just then someone slammed the doors opened, knocking out two knights as she walks in "sorry I'm late" the evil queen smirked, Robin then asked "what are you doing here?" She laughs then responded "I brought a gift" ninja replies "we don't want a gift from you" the evil queen then said "oh but you shall have it see my gift to you is this happy happy day" as she snapped her fingers, a dragon comes in and takes Robin to her castle then the evil queen disappears along with the dragon "what are we gonna do now, my husband got taken by a flying beast" asked ninja then rumple replies "doing it...together, as a team just like we used too" he then smiles so ninja replies to him "your right rumple, we can do this and bring Robin back as a team" so they thanked Snow and Charming then headed out for their rescue mission to hopefully destroy the evil queen and the dragon that took him to her castle somewhere.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now