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Then the team were ready to go home with pan joining the team, as they were heading back to the Jolly Rodger they saw another pirate on board "hello hook, remember me?" Killian pulls out his sword and runs up to him "Blackbeard, what are you doing on my ship?" Blackbeard replies "well I came to see if you were ever giving up the Jolly Rodger to me!" He replies "I will never give it up, not without a fair fight" Blackbeard smirks then says "first pirate to fall to the ground loses" hook nodded his head to agree "aye fair enough" so the team wanted to help but they knew it wouldn't be fair so they watched them from the docks so that none of them would get hurt. Blackbeard continued to taunt hook but he ignored him throughout the fight until hook finally won and everyone cheered while pan presented him with a medal of honour from Neverland so pan poofed them on the Jolly Rodger and headed home while Blackbeard stayed in Neverland to never survive there.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now