Book Three Chapter One: The Team

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Rumple was happy that he was home with his wife Belle and their three kids: Miliah, Raphael and Jordan. He couldn't be any happier though he was happy that greenie, hook and swan decided to be good again. Ninja and Henry were in Storybrooke living their somewhat normal lives, Henry went to a school that would teach him how to use his powers properly while ninja would always work on her martial arts to become even better. Greenie looked after her baby girl Robin and she loved her with all of her heart and she couldn't be any happier and even sometimes she would drop her off with ninja while she would go to work and ninja loved looking after Robin. Hook and swan continued their adventures living together and sailing the seven seas on the Jolly Rodger, as always they loved each other very much. Sometimes they would even come back to Storybrooke for a visit.

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