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The team return to CTHQ to celebrate rumple bring a hero again then he says to everyone "one day we should go on a rollercoaster, that'll be fun" swan replies with an evil smile "if we die on a rollercoaster its your fault and I will kill you" rumple replies in a scared way "wait no you can't kill me if you already die" hook replies "then she'll come back as a ghost and kill you" swan smiles "thanks for backing me up hook, I will come back and find rumple." Rumple then smirked "I ain't afraid of no ghosts, I have a plan" hook then asked "what is it?" He responds "can't tell ya!" Hook then asked another question "who are you gonna call if your plan fails?" He responded "GHOSTBUSTERS!"

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now