Chapter five: Rescue Henry again

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Rumple wakes up then hears an alarm go off so quickly grabbed his laptop and saw an SOS message from Henry "oh no, they have him again so this time it's a solo mission" he gets ready then goes to CSHQ "alright distraction time, hmm...power outage" he thought so he cut the wires and everyone inside was confused "now let's save Henry" he thought to himself, as he goes in rumple destroys the cage and releases Henry "show time Henry" rumple says to him then all of a sudden hook turns the power back on "the bloody crocodile" hook cried "get him somebody" yells swan then rumple sees ninja and felt very shocked "NINJA?" He said. "Wait no let me explain first" says ninja, rumple replies as he was mad "what are you doing with them, I trusted you, we were a team and this is how you betray me, by stabbing me in the back? Come on ninja your better then this" ninja then said "just let me explain please, I'm still on your side" rumple then says "oh hell no your not, you kidnapped Henry, I can't trust you anymore. Come on Henry let's head back to HQ."

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