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Rumple then asked "what's your plan anyway?" She replies "I can't tell you cause you'll just ruin it then I won't be happy" as she leaves for a while rumple thinks of a plan and its full proof but he checked in at CTHQ "rumple to HQ do you guys copy?" Ninja responds from the computer "we can hear you loud and clear rumple, do you need backup immediately?" He replies "actually I'm good, I thought of an escape plan" then swan comes back as he turns off his watch "did you now, what is it?" He replies "not gonna say, it's a surprise" swan hears her doorbell ring then leaves again meanwhile rumple pulls out his matches then lights the metal cage on fire and is finally free, she comes back then rumple says "found your weakness too, metal" he finds swan's weapon and reverses the effect and got his powers back. Rumple takes down swan and flies off to CTHQ and puts her in a glass jail cell "I have defeated you finally!" Swan then says "you may have defeated me, but I'm coming for you Canadian" he smiles as he leaves "not for a long time you won't!"

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now