CHAPTER FIVE: Where's Pan?

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Back at CTHQ, Ninja was still teaching Henry how to be a superhero while the others were training "yeah the suit looks bloody fantastic crocodile" rumple replies "really you think so Hook? I mean my dad and I worked on it together...I'm gonna call him" hook then leaves for a while then rumple gives them an announcement "my father's gone..." ninja replies "what, that's bizarre" Henry asked "who took him I wonder?" Then hook replies "bloody hell, it was swan, we've got to stop her from her evil plans" rumple replies "good idea hook, CT TEAM UP" he shouts "no need to yell, we're right here" says ninja. The team suited up and flew off to swan's HQ to find Pan, hopefully that he is alright "okay guys split up, me and ninja then hook and Henry" so they went off everywhere rumple and ninja finally found Pan and untied him "father are you alright?" He replies "yes I am" rumple was happy that he's alright.

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