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The team found the evil queen's castle "so what's the plan?" Asked swan then greenie replied "get in there, find Robin, destroy the dragon, stop the evil queen then head home!" So they finally found Robin after searching forever, rumple destroyed the dragon, ninja defeated the evil queen and they could finally head home "thank you for saving me ninja" as Robin kissed her on the cheek then Henry asked "how are we gonna get home?" Then rumple replies "we'll get home the old fashioned way, we'll poof home" he smiles so ninja poofed them back home all safe and sound then Pan walks into the living room and says "oh great you guys are back!" Then rumple replies "indeed we are, how were things at mission control here?" Pan says "boring but really well" he smiles.
Rumple replies "don't worry you'll be needed more!" Then the team ended their night by going to bed and rest up for the next mission.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now