Chapter Two: A call for help

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Rumple hears a sudden sound coming from his laptop in his office so he goes to check it out and apparently there was some emergency so he decided to call the team "calling all CT, we have an emergency" then Henry picked up his walkie talkie "sure rumps, what's the emergency?" Rumple replies "tell the others, I'll meet you at headquarters" Henry replies "got it, over and out" ninja walks over to Henry "who was that?" He replies after turning around "there's an emergency at HQ, contact Greenie and belle then CaptainSwan" ninja replies "got it" so ninja sends an SOS to CaptainSwan, greenie and belle to meet at HQ. Once they all got there rumple gave them the news "apparently there has been a break in at a jewellery shop in midtown" ninja asked a question "so what's the plan?" Hook decides to answer "well I suggest that swan and I will sneak around the back to make sure our thief or thieves won't get away, meanwhile crocodile you can distract them while greenie and ninja will randomly take them down, Henry will fight them if they choose to fight back and belle can bore them to death" rumple hated that idea but he just went with it so the team flew in midtown to stop the jewel thieves so everyone did their part and the thieves were captured by the police. After their mission was complete they came back to HQ so they celebrated by having a party, after it was over greenie was outside so she sent a message to her saying "meet me, belle and CaptainSwan at our HQ downtown." So ninja went outside but before she could, rumple caught her attention "where ya headed ninja?" She replies to him "I gotta train remember? I do this every night" he replies "oh right, I forgot about that, have fun."

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