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Henry smiled "whoa so I'm gonna be the next ruler of a kingdom?" Then Arthur and his knights come "sorry kid that's not gonna happen, not while I'm still their king, forever and always and trust me I'm never giving up this kingdom not without a fight. Now hand over Excalibur so I can have it" rumple then asked Arthur "what the hell are you gonna do with it?" Arthur replies with a smirk "well I can summon Merlin and get him to do whatever I say!" Henry then got mad and said "No, I won't give it to you" then Arthur and his knights prepared to fight, the team did to meanwhile Arthur took the sword from Henry and rode away on his horse then ninja comes up to him and said "don't worry Henry we'll get it back soon enough" he sighs "I hope so too, thanks mom" as he hugged her then continued their adventures in Camelot. As they head back to the castle they met a knight that ninja couldn't stop staring at "m'lady, welcome to the castle" she blushes "thanks" then he asked her "mind if I show you around?" She smiles "I'd love that" he takes his hand out to introduce himself "Robin the knight at your service but you can call me Robin Hood" he smiles "my name's Regina but my friends call me ninja" she smiles back at him so Robin shows her around. Meanwhile Henry was sitting alone at a table then a girl comes to join him "is this seat taken?" She asked nervously "no not at all" he smiles then he decides to introduce himself to her "I'm Henry, prince Henry" she smiles "hi Henry, my names Violet" as they shook hands "nice to meet you Violet, do you live here?" She replies "yeah my father's Arthur" Henry looked surprised "we just met your father, he wanted Excalibur after I pulled it out of the stone" she then says "yup he wants Merlin."

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