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Once they reached Neverland, they decided to explore the island then they hear a sound "bloody hell, what was that?" Hook asked then Robin responded "I don't know, whatever it was it doesn't seem happy to see us." Then ninja yells to the sound "show yourselves" the lostboys all come out with sticks and one of them still hid behind a tree so the lostboys defeated team CT then one lost boy comes out and says "Pan will be so happy to see you guys" he says as he takes them to pan then he leaves to do his job. "Welcome to Neverland, I'm Peter...Peter Pan and I'm sure you've heard of me before." Hook replies "aye some of us have, others haven't but we don't care" so later ninja and Robin go for a walk alone while they hold hands, to make ninja happy Robin teaches her how to shoot a bow and arrow to a target.

The Epic Battle Between Heroes And Villains #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now