The subway

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  I found myself alone in a subway. It was a late night and I was taking the subway back to the hotel I was staying at. I honestly never thought that a subway would stay open this late, so it didn't surprise me that I was the only one. It was a bit creepy, considering I had never been on an empty subway before.
   The subway then came to a screeching stop. I was horrified wren I looked around and didn't recognize where I was. This definitely wasn't my stop, so I thought that maybe there was a problem.
  I felt my heart race when a man entered the subway. He was dressed in all black, including a black hat that covered his face. There was something very odd about him, but I tried not to stare at him too much.
  The man sat down, but the subway didn't move. I was very confused and scared, but the man didn't even seem to be fazed at all. I hated being stuck somewhere I didn't know with a strange man who gave me the creeps. All I wanted was to head to the hotel.
  I was honestly very creeped out by the man, but I was desperate to figure out where I was and what was going on. I slowly got out of the seat and approached the man.
  "Um, excuse me sir?" I asked as I tapped on his shoulder.
  He then quickly turned his head to.
  "No moving on the subway!" He yelled, making me jump.
  "The subway isn't moving..." I pointed out.
  The man went silent. He turned around and pretended like I wasn't there.
  "Where the hell are we?" I asked him, starting to feel annoyed. I just wanted to leave.
  Suddenly I felt the subway move again, this time faster then I've ever seen a subway go before. The speed caused me to fall onto the floor, the man still wasn't fazed. He was acting like everything was perfectly normal, which was pissing me off. As I got back on my feet I looked out the windows.
  I was horrified to see screaming people with extremely pale skin scrapping on the windows as the subway passed them.
  "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled.
  "Just let them be. Their just the souls from the people who use to be on this subway trying to get back on. I suggest taking a seat, we're gonna be here a while," the man said.
  I could barley hear the man over the screams of the ghosts as they continued to scratch. The subway began to shake, suddenly I heard glass breaking from behind me. I then felt cold hands strongly grab me. They pulled me as I tried to fight back.
  "Free me.."
  "Help us..."
  "Let us on.."
The voices were terrifying but the cold hands were even worse. My brain couldn't even process what was going on. I was shocked from fear.
  Suddenly the felt the hands let go of me and the screaming had stopped. Everything went silent.
  I was terrified to hear the subway stop and the doors open. We weren't at a subway station. We were in a black room filled with dead bodies, some of which looked familiar to the ghosts that grabbed me.
  "We're here," the man laughed.

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