Smell the flowers

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  I have to admit, I was pretty jealous of my roommate, but this wasn't what I wanted. Not at all. She was always having different guys come to our room and she's often make me leave so she could "get busy" with them. She was getting all of these different guys while I was stuck there alone. I was also fed up with getting kicked out of the room.
   At first, I just thought she was a slut. It seemed like it was guy after guy. I guess she was looking for "the one" but it didn't seem like it. She told me that they kept leaving her. I guess that's what happens when you just sleep with whoever. I wanted to tell her that, but I had to live with her so I didn't want it blowing up in my face.
  As time went on, she eventually got a new boyfriend. Unlike the other guys, he actually seemed interested in her, even after the sex. I figured this was a good way to test her. Maybe for once she wouldn't go on from guy to guy. I was hoping she'd stick with just one.
   As time went on, he came over more often. He was friendly, but I had to admit that he creeped me out a little. He just had this strange way he'd look at her and talk to her. Even though he rubbed me the wrong way, I was still happy she was just sticking with one guy. Although I had to admit that I was even more jealous. She had a loyal guy by her side and I was still alone. It just hurt me inside, but I tried to hide it from her. Things seemed perfect for her. Seemed.
  One day after classes, he showed up at our dorm. He held beautiful flowers in his hands. I really wished I could've gotten flowers from a guy. She ran up to him excitedly and wrapped her arms around him. She smiled brightly.
  He gave her the flowers but quickly told her he had to leave. I thought it was strange, but she seemed too distracted by the flowers. She instantly gave it a sniff, but right after she did that she told me she felt funny, before she collapsed.
  After all that, he went to jail and I had to go to her funeral. I was jealous before, but mod that I saw what could happen I longer got jealous. I knew that he rubbed me the wrong way yet I did nothing. I just let it go, which I regret everyday of my life.

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