Never there

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  I stood alone in the dark as I waited patiently for a bus. It was late and all I wanted was to get home. I knew that I shouldn't have taken the overtime at work, but I just needed that extra money. Money is always nice, but I was feeling paranoid as I stood by myself.
  As I continued to wait, I felt like someone or something was behind me. I'm sure lots of people get like this when they're alone late at night, but I had a very genuine feeling of fear. I turned my head around slowly and realized that nothing was there. I took a deep breath and sighed but my heart continued to race. Once I turned back around there was still nothing. I still felt paranoid, however.
  As I thought about my situation, I began thinking about how I could instead be at home relaxing on the couch and watching tv. Instead, I was alone in the dark waiting for a bus that felt like was never going to arrive. I missed the safe and secure feelings of being at home. I wanted that so badly. I even debated walking home at this point.
  It's crazy how your own mind can get you so scared and tense. There was no one around me and I appeared to be safe, but my mind continued to wonder off to the thoughts of paranoia. I wanted this feeling gone more then anything. I darted my eyes around constantly to make sure I was definitely alone. I had no desire to bump into some creepy person. Being alone was scary enough, that was the last thing I needed to think about.
  Although I continued to check that I was alone, I still felt some kind of presence. I knew that my mind was trying to play tricks on me. Or maybe it was trying to warn me of something. That thought remained glued into my mind.
  My body jumped as I felt something brushed against my shoulder. I quickly turned my head and saw nothing. I knew something was there I just knew it. I didn't see anything but I felt it. I know I felt it. I couldn't take this anymore. I had to get away.
  I wasn't waiting for the bus anymore. I ran. I had a better chance of getting home at this point. If I saw anything suspicious, I'd just keep running. I'd do anything to just get the hell out of there.
  Once I made it home, I was completely out of breath. I took deep breaths as I tried to get the air to fill my lungs. My sides hurt and my throat was tight, but I was home. I was safe. I may have not encountered anything I could see that night, but my mind influenced the biggest amount of fear I've ever had. Was I actually in danger? Who knows. But at least I got out of there. Maybe my mind was trying to protect me.

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