The Thug That Saved Me

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"If you keep staring at me like that, ill fuck you all over again." Dante taunted.

"Oh yea," Stacy bit on her finger. "Maybe that's what i want."

She moved in closer to the bed where her boyfriend of four years lay naked, still hot and sweaty from the delicious sex they had just finished up. She climbed onto the bed keeping her eyes on him as she threw one leg over his body to straddle him.

As she leaned down to meet his lips, she felt her canvas getting moist all over again only to be interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

Like a rag doll, Dante pushed Stacy off his body and jumped up to answer his phone. Stacy was obviously bothered by his neglect but she knew it was all apart of the game. Whenever his phone would ring, it was the money calling and one thing every dope boy valued was his phone. Well, at least Dante anyway. Unfortunately for Stacy, Dante seemed more into his money than her. Things just werent the same anymore. Everyday she tries to be the ride or die chick but even they get lonely and with Dante always chasing the money nowadays, it was becoming an everyday thing.

"Let me guess, that was JoJo calling huh?"

"Yup," Dante answered while pulling his pants up to his waist. "Look baby, i know you havent spent that much time with me lately but i gotta hustle for this paper if we gon buy that big fancy house you always wanted."

"Fuck the house Dante! Its not as important as being with you. If thats what it takes to keep you home then fuck it, i dont want the house."

"Now we both know you dont mean that."  he walked back to the bed giving her a sweet kiss. "Just stay here and wait for me, i promise i wont be gone too long."

Stacy pouted as she watched him speed off out the door. Once again she was forced to stay in the house alone. Even a walk around the block could be life or death for her. The same streets her father once ruled was now ordered to shoot on sight on his baby girl Stacy.

These were the streets she grew up on. The same men and women who watched her grow up. But none of that mattered when the money got involved. She was afraid to go outside. And her father John wouldnt allow it until he could get things cleared up. God forbid he ever finds out that she snuck out to be with Dante. It took guts just to hop into Dante's car to be with him. Only to be left alone for hours to sit in front of a tv.

"Oww." Stacy touched her stomach once she felt the cramping pains in her abdomen. She got up and headed for the bathroom to check her panties. "Shit!" she shouted, looking down at the period stains. She must've timed her cycle wrong. She wasnt due to come on for at least another week she thought.

For any other girl it probably wouldnt be that big of a deal. But for Stacy, it was a huge problem. Sneaking to Dante's house meant she didnt have the appropriate necessities for this situation. She couldnt just sit there and bleed on her self and Dante rarely ever kept tissue in his house. Which meant the only other option was to run to the corner store about three blocks down.

She paced the floor pondering if that was a good move to make. It was necessary, yes, but was it smart?
At this point she didnt have a choice. She scrambled the room for the shoe box where Dante kept a small stash of cash and his serrated pocket knife, stuck it in her front pocket and walked out the front door.

Every bone in her body tensed.
Her adrenaline kicked into overdrive.
She kept a inch of hope alive thinking maybe no one on this side of town would recognize her. "Ill just run down there, buy the tampons and come right back. Simple" she thought.

She walked casually, watching over her shoulders and all around her. The crack heads and drug dealers watched her as she tried her best to keep calm with her hand in her pocket; gripping the knife as tight as she could.

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