Guess Who

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"Hit him again!" Cyrus yelled at his workers.

A bound and bloody Tahj sat in the middle of the torn down room with only the lighting from the window to support their sight.

"Where's your brother!" Cyrus demanded. But Tahj didn't say a word.
"If you want your family to live you will tell us where he is."

Tahj looked up slowly. His right eye was almost swollen shut, he had a few broken ribs and his face had turned purple from the beating he received. But his courage was as still solid as a rock.

"I ain't telling you shit!" He responded

Cyrus stepped back and smirked, admiring his courage.

"Still wont give him up huh?"  He signaled to one of his workers to bring the box he had sitting in the corner and kneeled down to Tahj's level.
"You may think you're tough now but I have ways to make people talk and you're gonna tell me what I want to hear."

"Is that really necessary?" Said Davon.
"I mean you've already beat the guy half to death."

Cyrus stood up straight and looked at Davon liked he was the enemy.

"What does it matter to you?" Cyrus raised his strong Nigerian voice.
"You are here to tell me when your little police buddies are coming and that's it! No one tells me what do to! You are a cop yes, but you are no better than me. You pretend you are upholding the law to them but you sit here giving me all the information they have on me for a few hundred dollars. Ha! You are better off doing what I do. At least you wont have to lie."

Davon completely stopped talking at that point. Cyrus was right, he was a trader and it was too late to turn back now.

Cyrus put his attention back to Tahj. Just as he was about to reveal what was in the box, Chase, his right hand man, came walking in with a sense of urgency.

"Boss we just got word that the feds were just seen about a block or two away from here. We need to go now!"

"Its no way they can know we are here. Everything is completely abandoned upstairs."

"I understand Boss but we cant be too sure."  Chase gave Davon the look as if he was the rat.

The look on Davons face was that of a guilty man. Cyrus immediately walked over to him and choked him up against the wall.

"Why didnt I know about this!" He yelled

"I didnt know they were coming." He said in a raspy voice. "No calls came through to my radio."

After a few more seconds, Cyrus decided to let him go. Davon dropped to the floor coughing as he collected his breath.

"Take him now and move to the next house in Ellington." Said Cyrus

The workers quickly grabbed Tahj and dragged him through the back door where they had an escape vehicle while Chase alerted the remanding men of the threat.

Davon retreated upstairs in what seemed to be an attempt to lure the feds away.

"Boss we have the car waiting for you out back as well." Chase came running back into the room.

Cyrus looked around for anything valuable one last time and began to head for the back door exit when....

"Hold it right there!" Yelled the leading officer.

Cyrus and Chase stopped dead in their tracks.

"Dont turn around! Place your hands behind your head slowly!" The officer continued.

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