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"Y/n.. honestly.. we love you.. bit your boyfriend is a real diva." "Yeah.. he's really great but.. he's really sassy." Yes.. my friends are talking about my boyfriend, Seungkwan. I mean who takes this seriously?

Hs just playing around. "He's just playing around." I laughed. "Hopefully.." "Why?" "We think that you can your ex should just get back togther. He's hot!" "And so? I like Seungkwan now."

"Sure.." I ended the call. I looked at Seungkwan who slept peacefully on the sofa. "Why do people hate me and him being togther?" I sat down beside him.
"I'm sorry I'm not good enough to be y/n's boyfriend." I flinched as I heard the words come out his moths.

"Seungkwan what are you talking about?" "I'm sorry that I'm not as good looking as your ex." He didn't respond.. he must be sleep talking.. but why is he thinking like this?

"Y/n loves me.. like she said. She doesn't love her ex anymore only me." He moved around, hugging me. He buried his head into my hair. "Y/n.. I don't want to loose you.." I love the way he talks.. why should I leave him?

I ran my fingers in his hair. "Seungkwan.. Saranghae." His eyes fluttered open. He looked at me. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" "No.. I just heard my girlfriend's voice.. my Jagi."

He hugged my tighter. "I won't leave you.." I rested my head on his sort hair. "Y/n was I sleep talking?" "Yeah.. you said some weird stuff that will never happen." "What did I say?" "That your not as good looking as my ex. You said that your afraid of loosing me."

"You know they're both true." "You shouldn't think that way. I know your better looking then my ex and don't worry about losing me.. I don't ever plan to do that."
He smiled.

"Thanks Jagi..." "You're the only diva in my heart." He let out a laugh. "Cute." He pinched my cheek. "Jagi.. am I a funny guy?" "Yeah.. you crack me up."

He got up. "I have a surprise.. I was going to save it for later but.. I wanted to show you now." He took my hand and led me to the balcony of our apartment.

"It's 1am.. what surprise do you have?" "Just stay there." He left grabbing something from inside. I sat down on a chair. "Seungkwan..." he came back.

"Sorry that took long." "It's ok.. what did you want to show me?"
He took out a box. "A necklace?" He opened it. A Shiney diamond ring shined. "Be mine.. forever? Together?"

"Remember the day you confessed? You asked me that question. 'It's like you.. alot. Will you be my girlfriend?' Like what I said back then.. is my answer now and forever more.." Tears filled my eyes. "Yes.. yes.. I'll marry you."

He laughed and took out the ring and slipped it on my finger. "The most precious thing is right in front of me." "The ring?" "No you." I stood up and gave him a hug. Tears came out my eyes. "Thank you.." he kissed my lips.

"My Diva forever."

❛ 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐕𝐓 ❜ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora