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"Baby" he whispered in my ear. His words they make me want to tremble and cry. His hand touches my bareback. His touches make me want to run away.

I looked at him with teary eyes. "I need to go.." i quickly put mu clothes back on. He slammed me against the door. "You're not leaving unless I say that you're leaving. Do you understand?" He smirked has he wrapped his large hands around my bruised, pale neck.

I gasped loudly trying to pry him off as i nod my head. As soon as he let go I ran straight out the door trying to get out. My head hurts.. I walked in the elevator. Afraid that when the door opens he will be there.. but i was wrong. I ran into the man's embrace as soon as the elevator opened.

"Y/n??" I choked. "H-h-he's comming help me.. help me get o-out of here." I trembled as i felt my whole body becomming quick as i watch the elevator come up to the 3rd floor where i was.

"Please!" I cried. He took me out to his car and we drove off. Far away. To his place on the other side of town. I touched my neck slowly. Not missing a scar or bruise. "What the hell. Why didn't you tell me he was abusive!?" He cursed.

"I was scared.." once we arrived to his house he hugged me tightly and gave me food and water. My first proper meal in days. "Seungcheol.." he gritted his teeth and he touched a scar on my arm. "He ruined you.." he looked at me with teary eyes.

"then please help me fix myself. I dont want to be broken forever." He placed his lips onto mine, warming up my cold body.

Years went by. It was me and him agaisnt the world. We were getting married in a few days from now  and so we decied to stay in a hotel.

"I love you." He kissed my forehead. "I love you too." I closed my eyes for a moment and felt hands around my neck the next. It felt too familiar. I opened my eyes wide in shock, gasping for air as i kick and punch Seungcheol.

"I can't have you no one can." He laughed. My eyes were filled with horror. Where is he? Where is Minghao?! "H-help!" I closed my eyes as tears flowed down my face.

It took me all my strength but finally i got him off of me by hitting him in the eyes. I ran out the room to look at Minghao. He was tied up. I took the chance and set him free. I hugged him tightly as we tried to get out  of the hotel room.

"Y/n!!!!" Minghao screamed my name before running behind me. I turned around and watched as Seungcheol stabbed him with a pocket knife. I screamed making everyone come out of their apartments and warning security.

I help Minghao tightly, and watched as Seungheol stabbed himself. I looked at Minghao and let out the tears. The ambulance cam quickly as they took both the men in. I followed.

The world started to spin. Everything was blurry all i want right now is to be in Minghao's arms. For him to be alright.

I closed my eyes slowly and the last thing i can remember was the two being rushed into the emergency room.

"Y/n.. y/n." I opened up eyes and looked straight at my sister. I couldn't say anything it's as if all the energy was drained out of me.

"He's gone." Those words hit me. I realized that i wasn't dreaming i am still alive. "W-who is?" I scanned her face with my intense glare. "Seungcheol."

"What about Minghao?" She pointed beside me. I slowly turned my head to see him laying down on a bed, staring back at me with a smile.

"There is no way i'd leave you or, our baby." He touched my hand and kissed my forehead gently.

Thank god, even though Seungcheol is gone, even though he hurt me, he was still a good man deep within. Now, me and Minghao can live in peace with our baby.

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