Giggle Monster

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all new chapter!!! :) ENJOY!!

I added a slideshow of Alisha's PINK (ugh!) room!! the sitting are and the bed/closet area.....i never use photoshop, so i practically broke my head off to create this!!! :P

Hope it's worth all the trouble!! :D



“Joe! Why did you do that?” I demanded; picking up the photo frame he just threw across our room. Just looking at it always got me smiling. It was of the time when we were all young and naïve. Not to mention that Joe was rubbing off his silliness of on Liz. In that picture, both of them were pulling my cheeks and singing “Koo-Chi-Koo-Chi-Koo” No, I did not write those lyrics, they did!

“Just…ugh!” he kicked the bed. And I could tell from his expression that it hurt. A lot.

“Joe, what did you fight over now?” I asked. This wasn’t right. They both bicker a lot, but then they hug it out or rather joke it out. But this was big, I could tell.

“She snapped. I snapped.  She apologized, I didn’t accept. She tried again. I acted like a complete ass. I’m the villain. End of story!” he said, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

“You need to talk with her. You guys can never stay angry at each other for long.”

“Goodnight, Nicholas.” Joe said, completely ignoring me.

“Fine, night. Try to sleep with a guilty, heavy heart.”

The last thing I wanted with a number like 362 was a fight with my brother. He’d get to his senses soon, and he was lucky dad didn’t hear him utter the butt word.


*a few hours later*

“No!” she screamed, begging for mercy.

“Stop!” I heard a familiar voice interrupt. “Don’t do it. Please. Spare her life!” Me. That was me.

“No can do.” The person holding me back hissed. And he pushed a button.

Yellow demons arose and engulfed HER. She screamed, becoming quieter, and lighter and then completely gone. The only sound in the room was of the cracking fire.

“Let’s go. I hate the sweating part of it.” The person holding me back said. A woman, I realized. It was a woman.

“What about her?” the other asked, sitting down on knees infront of me.

“What about her? She’ll go back with us.”

“She’s trouble. Look into her eyes! They scream being strong, being determined. She needs to know learn that…” he got up, walking up to a rod. And he held it in the fire that ate my friend. I couldn’t bear to look at it. Monster- the yellow monster. Wait, friend? I knew her? I was sure I knew her, but who was she?

Pain, horrible excruciating pain. Something was ripping my skin apart. Pricks of billions of sharp needles, all at one hit my left wrist. I tried to wrench my hand, but HE was too strong. A four-five year old like me was helpless. I screamed in agony, accompanied by the woman’s high pitched laughter. The man he just looked at me, expressionless. And it went black.

I didn’t want to be here. But, where was I? I looked at my left hand. It did hurt, but the lack of comfort was nothing compared to that pain. I shook the thought away and looked around. Cages, so many cages. White walls, with their plaster chipping off. This place felt wrong. Its essence was infelicitous, astray. I needed to get out, but how? I never felt so alone, invisible.

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