The Meeting With Abason

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I entered in and followed the messenger. He led me through a deep corridor filled with paintings of scenery. I studied them as quickly as I could while I passed them for there was many that the castle had within it, but they were all different. I guessed they were from many different parts of the world.

I pondered and delighted in the paintings, but as I came across one, I saw a castle very familiar to the castle of Fatenturia in the picture I had with me. I gave it one last glance when I saw the messenger ahead of me about to turn a left. I scurried to meet up with the man as I took in the sight of the magnificent castle.

Stairs made of limestone and handrails made of marble turned to the left and right. A balcony lay in between into an arc smaller than a semicircle.

"Ma'am, he's waiting for you beneath the stairs." The messenger broke the silence.

"Thank you very much sir." I bowed.

"No need to bow ma'am. Go head down, and he'll be waiting for you." He bowed and then left.

I didn't get it.. I thought you had to bow to everyone in the castle, but instead their bowing at me..I guess I wasn't made for this type of stuff. I can't quite understand the etiquette around here.

I practically ran down the beautifully polished stairs with glee.

A secret is soon to be revealed! The drawer, the letters... "I'm here Abason!" After getting to the bottom, I turned around.

A table was set and food displayed the table that was made of English cherry wood. Tall candles waved their heads symmetrically placed in the middle of each half of the table, and a small runner went from one end to the other of the table. The runner was in the color of red, woven with fine string. A pattern that resembled much like a celtic knot was woven into it, and a bowl of apples was in the center. A plate lay on both ends of the table so did cups and utensils placed in a uniformed manner. Folded napkins finished the setting with their fan look and on one end of the table sat Abason. He wore a black suit and tie.

"Angel." A small smile appeared on his face. "Glad you could make it. Come take your seat."

"What's this Abason? I didn't know we were having dinner." I sat down on the other seat and gazed at the apples.

"Well, I just thought we could talk more. Like, get to know each other more." He gazed at my outfit and laughed."Is that new? Sometimes I keep forgetting you don't really wear dresses."

"Well, the last time you saw me I was in a dress. Yea, this is new. My mother made it for me." I smiled. "Hey, can I have an apple?"

"Go ahead. That's why their set on the table."

I reached for an apple and began munching. "Soo.." After taking a bite of my apple, I looked at the other shiny side of the apple thinking of where I should take my next bite. "Why are you in a suit? Why is everything so fancy?"

He tugged at his tie as if it had been choking him. I took another munch and the juice was just satisfying to my throat, a relief to the panting of air after the run towards here.

"Let's begin eating first, and then we can discuss." His smile still small.

"Way ahead of you buddy."I laughed. I took my fork and poked a cube sliced piece of meat. "It's cold." I replied. Then it hit me. "You were waiting for me, weren't you." I placed my fork down and gave my full attention to the Prince in front of me.


I interrupted. "I'm so sorry. I just, it's just so many things happened today. You see we started.."

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