Not Adding Up

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Night went on quickly. No disturbances, no alarming sounds, and no real possible emergencies. It was too quiet..The night was so quiet in fact, it was almost eerie. But somehow everyone slept through the night peacefully. Well, almost everyone. War was getting so close and Angel didn't know if they were doing the right thing. She lay restless, tossing, turning through the invisible night, thinking. Just thinking.

Was war..truly what was needed? She didn't want to believe that that should be the answer.

The bloodshed..The innocent lives...those who were forced to serve Greanger.

She had to find the princess. Her heart throbbed to find the answer. She felt it so much in her heart, she believed she needed to find the princess.

Angel closed her eyes.


She turns to get comfortable on the bed. She turns again. Then again.


She opens her eyes wide open. Her eyes had long ago adjusted to the darkness, and the longer she tried to stay in the bed the longer the thoughts pounded on her head.

Why can't I go to sleep!?

But she knew why. She just tried to ignore the reason why.

Rest first...

She laid back down and stared at the ceiling. Light from the moon seemed to get stronger every time she kept her eyes open. She closed them again.

I'll close my eyes and then I'll fall asleep...

She almost nuzzles to sleep, but her mind tugs on her again. She tosses herself and hugs a pillow to her face twisting her torso in the process. Her legs almost feels restless and in frustration she literally sit up erect in a quick motion.

"Ughh..." She muffles her face with the pillow. "Whyyyy..."

She wants to sleep, but her mind and body wouldn't let her. Her quick motion to sit up had only awakened her more.

You know what...I'm getting up. I have to do it now. I can't wait any longer.

She angrily pushes all her blankets to a corner on the bed by kicking them in frustration. She jumps out of bed, even if she didn't want to..-or did she? She couldn't tell. She wanted to go to sleep, but didn't want to. Her own self contradicted herself. But she decided to get what she needed to do finished so she could finally get some sleep. Peacefully.

She changed into a more camouflaged attire, the one she usually uses for hunting in the dark. She grabbed her boots and yanked them on grumpily. She quietly walked to get her bow and arrow-which she hoped she wouldn't be needing- and then went out her bedroom door. Now she was getting to the more trickier part of getting out of the house quietly. Her father gets aroused quickly and her mother had been recently on edge about the war that they could probably wake up hearing just a mouse. If she had known any better, her mother would probably panic at the sound of a squirrel. Angel managed to get out safely, however.

Now, she was gonna face a more realer challenge.

She was gonna go find the princess.
She went into the Fate Few's house just as how she used to when she was a little girl. She smiled as she threw the rope over the window, but had realized that they have closed it. It was understandable that they would do so. Who wouldn't after a day like today? Or night. Angel had to find another way to get in. Front door? Yes. She knew how the lock worked on the inside so somehow she should be able to get in. It was a barred door like many of the doors were in New Begin, but the problem was that the Fate Few had two bars of wood that blocked the door from the inside. One on the very top and one on the very bottom. Then she remembered something else. There was another door that they used so they could escape quickly, but the door led to tunnel then to another door in the woods. That door was hidden, but Angel knew where it was. She would just have to go there.

The Roaming Archer (NaNoWrimo13&14) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now