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I smiled as I looked at my older brother. I grabbed his arm and begged him to play with me.

"Please Daniel?! I have no one to play with!"

He rolled his eyes and growled,

"Then go play with Cassie!"

"But she's out of town with her parents, I can't play with her."

"Then go play by yourself." He rolled his eyes as my 9 year old self wallowed in rejection.

"F-fine. I will!" I yelled and tears streamed down my face. I never quite understood what I did wrong. It was after mom died. He became so distant. And with dad always at work, I had no one else to talk too.

Sighing, I trudged upstairs with my giant teddy bear that my mom got me when I was born. I named him T.B, short for teddy bear.

I frowned as I sat in my bed. What did I do wrong? I never understood why they both ignored me. I slumped down sadly and looked out my window. I remember when mom was alive, she always used to read me a bedtime story before I went to sleep to keep the monsters away. I smiled at the thought. I really miss her...

I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it, to see dad standing there looking at me in disgust.

"Go downstairs and eat you stupid mutt." He looked at me once again, and then stomped downstairs.

I sighed and put my teddy bear on my bed, and then I walked downstairs after my dad.

~During Dinner~

It was awkward during dinner. No one talked. It was always like this, I try to start up a conversation and everyone ignores me like I don't exist.

I use my fork to move the mashed potatoes around my plate, suddenly not hungry anymore. I got up from the table, and looked at my brother and dad before leaving the dining room and going upstairs.

As I lay in my room, lights off and the only sound of the wind, I think of what my mom looked like. She looked a lot like me. She was pretty, she had long brown hair, and pretty green eyes. I was always jealous of my mom. My mom and dad weren't mates. Dad knew this, but he was there when my moms mate rejected her for someone else.

My mom was heartbroken for about a month before my dad came in and cheered her up. I smiled at the memory, well the one I pictured to be happening since my dad never told me how they actually met.

I looked at my dresser and seen the dusted picture frame sitting on top of it. I looked at it and could feel the tears coming down my face quickly.

I got up and wiped my tears with my sleeve. Sniffling, I walked over to the picture frame and picked it up with my hands. As I looked at it, I couldn't help but let more tears fall.

This was the last photo me and my mom took together with all of us. She was smiling bright, dad was laughing, and my brother was hugging me tightly as I stand in the middle of all of them. I put it back and turned off my light, then climbed into bed. As I fell asleep, all I could hear was the winter wind blowing through my window.

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