Chapter 31

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Alex's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I tried to see through the darkness but nothing seemed to be there except the sounds of footsteps coming closer to me.

I jumped back in fright, only to realize my hands were bound and so were my legs. I squirmed around and tried to untie them, with no luck.

"What do you think your doing, pretty little girl?" I heard a whisper. I gasped when I felt a hand on my cheek, stroking it gently.

I waited till' his hand was near my mouth, and then I bit down on it. He hissed and slapped me in the face.

"You little bïtch!" He screamed at me, and I smirked. He grabbed my hair and leaned my head back, and came closer to my neck.

Before he could sink his teeth in me, someone burst into the room. I prayed it was Mason.

It wasn't. It was a guy, but he seemed to be a vampire. What the hell? Since when do the vampires and werewolves work together?

The werewolf and him started talking in hushed whispers, while I tried to make my escape while he wasn't watching me.

I moved loudly in my chair, and the legs of it screeched across the floor, making the werewolf's head snap back to mine.

He sped back to me, and just as he was about to bite me again, someone else burst through the door.

This time it was Mason, and he did not look amused. His eyes were red, his chest was heaving, his mouth was pulled back in a snarl, and his whole demeanor was furious.

I looked at him, and his head snapped to mine, and I seen a flash of relief in his eyes, knowing that I was okay, before it quickly disappeared, and he turned back to the culprits.

They gulped, and I seen them back up and into the wall, as Mason stalked toward them like a predator, getting ready to kill their prey.

I tried my best to untie the ropes with my fingers, but these smart wolves knew my weakness, considering they were werewolves to, and used wolfs bane on the rope binds.

I growled out in frustration, having no way to stop Mason as he stood in front of the whimpering guys.

"Who is in charge of this gang?" Mason growled, and I looked at him in confusion.

He grabbed one by the neck, I think it was the vampire. "Tell me!" He growled, and the vampire flinched. I really have to ask them their names.

"H-he's never around, but it's some guy-- I think his name was Charles." The vampire whimpered, and Mason nodded, and smirked slyly.

"Thank you for your honesty, and now you get the best reward of all." He said almost to enthusiastically.

The vampire beamed, "I do?!" Mason nodded, and I seen something in his eyes change, they were a dark blue, almost a black shade.

"Yup," He laughed evilly. "Death."

I heard a loud snap, and then I watched as the vampire fell to the ground, body limp and eyes wide.

I gasped, looking at Mason in shock. But he wasn't looking at me, he was staring coldly at the werewolf who was making a dent in the wall with how hard he was leaning against it.

"P-please! Don't kill me! I was just- I was just following orders!" He yelled, staring at Mason with pleading eyes.

Mason rolled his eyes and killed him too, and I watched as both bodies lay on the floor, staring back at me with the expression of horror.

I looked away, sighing and leaning against the chair. I can't believe I just witnessed my mate kill two guys.

Mason finally looked at me, and he smiled, showing his pearly whites. I rolled my eyes.

He walked, more like strutted, over to me and started to untie my hands.

As soon as he got my hands untied, I slapped him across the face. He glared at me.

"What the hell?!" He growled, and I frowned.

"Why did you kill them?! They gave you the information you needed to find the gang leader, and you killed them?!" I snarled, and I seen something in Mason's eyes change and they turned red, before he leaned in and whispered,

"They deserved to die, that petty werewolf thought he could mark what's mine. I taught him the lesson he deserved, and now you go and defend them when I'm your mate?" He stepped back and stared at me, as if waiting for an answer. An answer I couldn't give him. I didn't know why I defended them, it just felt like my mind had a voice of its own.

Then Mason continued, "Maybe I should teach you a lesson to, show you who you belong to." He whispered, licking my earlobe. I moaned lightly.

I felt him move his kisses downwards, until they landed just below my ear, then a bit further until he was between my neck and shoulder, he licked that spot, and I moaned before I felt sharp pain in my neck, making me scream out.

I breathed heavily, looking at him shocked as his eyes widened, realizing what he had just done.

"A-Alex-- oh my god I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean..." He stopped himself, taking a deep breath.

"It's- it's okay..." I mumbled out, looking away from me, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm still so sorry Alex..." He mumbled out, coming closer and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I sniffled in his shirt, gripping onto it as I cried, the realization crashing down on me that I am now marked.

"C-can we go home?" I whispered, and he nodded, lifting me up and taking me out of the room.

I felt my eyelids closing as he carried me, and I finally fell asleep with everything around me dying out.

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