Chapter 33

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Alex's POV

"Bye dear." She waved.

"Bye mom..." I sighed, looking around me, now just realizing where I was.

"Hello, dear." Someone mocked, and I turned around glaring, recognizing the voice I've come to hate.

"Hello, Charles."

I glared at him, my eyes light purple as we made eye contact.

"Nice to see you again." He smirked, making me glare harder.

"Get the hell out of here." I growled, and he stalked towards me, grabbing my arms and chuckling.

"I see you're marked...such a shame, I would have made you mine." His eyes darkened, and I shivered in disgust.

"I will never belong to you. Your a disgrace of a human being. Well I mean, if your known as a human being." I rolled my eyes, and he growled.

"What's wrong? Can't handle the truth of how much of a disgrace you are?"
I smirked, and his eyes turned black, and he shifted into his wolf, making me narrow my eyes and snarl.

"Is that the only way you can win? By being a beast? That's pathetic, even for you." I chuckled sarcastically, and he snarled at me.

He turned back into his human form, not even bothering to put on any clothes, leaving himself naked right in front of me.

(Violence, swears, and sexual words ahead. Be careful, you can skip this if you want.)

"What? Can't handle this? Oh come on, you've seen your mate naked, what's the difference?" He smirked, and I shivered in disgust again.

"You're sick." I spat, and he laughed loudly, almost sarcastically.

"I like to think I'm more unique." He moved around, making me cover my eyes in shock and fear.

"One day, I'll have you Alex. You will be mine, whether it be tomorrow, or when you're old. I'll have you one way or another." He growled, and I growled back.

"You come near me, I'll call the guards." I frowned, and he smirked.

"How you think I got here? They're asleep."

"Well, leave me alone. I didn't train for nothing." I smirked, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Whatever. Just remember, you will be mine." Then he disappeared, laughing evilly.

All I Ever WantedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora