Chapter 3

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Daniels POV

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. It's been 3 days since Alex left, and I regret ever being a prick to her. All she did was try to fit in, and our asshole of a father, told me how much he thought his daughter was a slut.

I accidentally growled at him that moment, and he sent me to my room for disrespecting him. I rolled my eyes as I thought of what happened.

All my dad wants, is Alex's powers. She's the only one that doesn't know she has them, and we kept it from her for many reasons. Before mom died, she told me one thing, she said,


"Mom why do you have to leave?" I cried, holding tightly onto my moms cold hand.

"Because son, you were meant to protect your sister. Protect her from him." She said through a deadly cough. It brought tears to my eyes.

"But mom, how will I do that? I can't even protect you!" I cried again, my eyes all puffy and red.

"You will know when the time comes son. You will understand. Just don't let him get to her. Only hell knows what he can do to get to her, and take the only thing she has that can protect her from the evil of the world."

"I love you mom. I will protect Alex, and I will make sure that jerk never lays a hand on her. But will you come back?"

"I'm sorry, but I won't. But you will see me again some day. I love you my son, make me proud." She smiled at me.

"I will always make you proud mom. I won't let you down." I smiled back.

She kissed my forehead sickly, then she fell back on the bed, exhausted. She liked at me with her eyes half closed and said,

"Tell her the secret. Tell her when she turns 18. I will always love you, my children, tell Alex I love her. And always, always know you will be my children. And son?"

"Yes mom?"

"Your sister may not be my real child, but she will always be my little girl." She smiled warmly, and I smiled back.

"I know mom. I love you; and I'll miss you. But I know you'll be watching over us. I'll see you again mother; one day we'll reunite. And it will be the best day of our lives. I promise you that." I said with determined eyes.

She nodded at me and said her last words,

"Make me proud. Show your sister what good she can become. Show me the Warriors I always knew you kids could be." That was the last smile she ever gave me. I never seen it again. Her eyes closed, and she stopped breathing altogether.

End of Flashback

I sighed as I recalled the memories. I broke my promise. She must be so disappointed in me.

I shook off the thought, and mind linked Pete. Pete is my best friend, and I need his help to find my sister. I need to tell her, before it's too late.

(Mind link)

Pete: Yeah dude?

I need you to meet me in the woods. It's important. Meet me in 20 minutes.

Pete: Alright. I'll Be there in 10. Bye.

See ya.

(End of mind link)

I changed into a black hoodie, some black jeans, and white converse. I tamed my hair a little; and grabbed my phone.

I walked downstairs and proceeded into the kitchen, grabbed a granola bar, and walked out the back door. I took off my hoodie, shirt and jeans, then shifted into my wolf, enjoying the breeze that was left on my fur.

I ran through the woods, the hair on the back of my wolf neck standing up due to the cold air hitting it.

I kept running till I came to the clearing that I requested for Pete to meet me in. I shifted back into my human form and changed behind a tree.

I fixed my hoodie while walking out from behind the tree, and looked up to see Pete running into the clearing in his wolf form.

He quickly went behind a tree and shifted, then changed and came back out, nodding in approval of my presence.

I nodded back, and smiled at him. We've been friends for years, so I'm happy to know he's willing to help me find my sister.

I sighed in content and gave him a bro-hug. We always did this when meeting up, it was a sign of acceptance and friendship.

I looked at him after pulling away from the hug, and he immediately understood my one-over glance. He knew we had to get started right away.

I sighed and ran a hand through my already messy hair, which is a sign I'm worried and nervous that my sister could be hurt, in trouble, or even dead.

I shook off the thoughts. She has to be alive, she HAS to be.

It was a long 2 hours. Pete and I going over all the possible places she could have gone, or entered. We checked packs, forests, anything that could show she would go.

We then found one trace. It won't be very helpful, but it's some help.

I thanked Pete as he left, and continued looking at all the key points on the blueprints of all the possible places she could have gone.

I sat down on the ground and continued working. I only had one thought on my mind.

This is going to be lonnnng night...

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