Chapter 2

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I screamed as I seen the black midnight wolf come through my window.

I backed up against the car window and stared wide-eyed as the wolf looked at me, as it sat down.

I didn't know how to react. This wolf was staring at me so lovingly, I thought I'd melt right then and there. But then I realized,

'Alex you don't even know this wolf, don't be crazy.'

I nodded towards my subconscious and looked at the wolf. I looked at its eyes and then my eyes widened as it mumbles one word, loud enough for me to hear.

"Mate." He growled.  My eyes went wide, and I quickly jumped out of the car, landing on my hands. I winced and ignoring my pain, I ran with all my might away from my so called 'mate'.

I don't want a mate. I never have. They're to much responsibility. I can't afford that much pressure. And besides, I don't have anyone anymore.

I screamed as I felt a huge weight tackle me and I fell on the dirt. I tried to crane my neck to see who attacked me, but I couldn't do to the amount of pressure put on my back.

I finally could look back, and the first thing I seen was the most beautiful gray eyes. They were so full of emotion. I've never seen more beautiful eyes.

When I realized I was staring, I blushed beet red. I couldn't be awestruck over a wolves eyes. That's ridiculous!

I mentally laughed at my odd behavior and hastily got up. I needed answers. And I planned to get them.

"Who the hell are you? And what do you want from me?" I started off angrily.

He narrowed his eyes at me, and answered grumpily.

"My name is Mason. I'm alpha of the Red-Blood Moon Pack."

A-alpha?! It's worse having a mate. But an alpha mate?! Their 10x more possessive than a regular mate. I can not deal with this right now. I need to get away.

"Well, nice to meet you. My name is Alexandra."

He nodded and smiled at me. A smile that made my knees almost give out. Once he noticed, he smirked at me.

Oh look, the alpha has a big ego. Surprise surprise.

I mentally rolled my eyes, and flipped him off while growling.

All it did was seem to anger him, as he looked at me with dark gray eyes, meaning his wolf was in control. Shit.

"Darling, I wouldn't talk to us like that. We could do things that could end your life completely, or maybe your families lives." I gasped at this. He wouldn't dare. He wouldn't do that. He knows how bad it would hurt me.

I smirked at him. Time for revenge. All this time, the only thing he did was act like a prick.

"But 'darling'," I started, putting emphasis on the name 'darling' just to annoy him.

"You can't just do that, because believe it or not, I hate you enough already, with your big ass ego, and your awe struck looks, doesn't mean you have the right to ruin someone else's life, just because your angry that they don't want to be with you." I growled angrily.

"Alright. I get it. But my ego is not big!" He grumbled childishly.

I covered my mouth, trying to keep from laughing at his pouting face. I may hate him, but even I can't deny that that was adorable.

I smiled and ended up laughing anyway, for he made this cross-eyed look that made me not able to control myself.

He playfully glared at me, as he figured out what I was laughing at.

Once I finished laughing, I stood up, and cleared my throat.

I never knew the 'big bad alpha' could be so childish. I laughed at my thought.

He narrowed his eyes again, probably trying to figure out what I was laughing at THIS time.

I smirked at him, indicating I wasn't going to tell him, making him cross his arms like a child and pout again.

"BUT ALEX!" He whined like a 5 year old.

I almost melted at the nickname he gave me. No one has ever really called me that other than my mother, so having a hot guy say that to you, was so damn hot.

I mentally smiled and then snapped out of my daze as I realized his mouth was moving. Was he saying something to me and I didn't even notice?

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, clearly very confused.

"I said, your coming back to my pack with me. I know your a werewolf, so don't even try the 'What's a pack?' shit." He grumbled and walked away.

Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I mean he was fine earlier, what could have changed about his mood? He seemed so gloomy now. Did I say something wrong?

I shook it off, and followed after him. I mean there was no use fighting him. He was an alpha, he could easily call his whole freaking pack to carry me back to his house. I mentally rolled my eyes at this.

I huffed and walked faster as I realized he was already deep in the woods.

'How fast can this prick walk?' I grumbled in my thoughts and continued following after him.

Wait a minute. If he is alpha, wouldn't that make me...Luna?

My eyes widened at this new piece of information. How could I be so stupid? If I had just stayed with my obnoxious so called 'family' then none of this would have happened.

I wouldn't have gotten lost, and my mate wouldn't have found me at all.

I narrowed my eyes at the thought. Then a thought crossed my mind.

'Great, I'm the alphas mate.'

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