Chapter 14

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Moon Goddesses POV (You'll see why)

I looked at both sides of the crystal ball and rubbed my temples. I knew this would happen, I knew since the day she was born.

I hate how there's only so much a goddess can do. I've been trying for the past 16 years to get the family together once again. He always seems to know my plans, my ideas and he sabotages them in front of me.

I narrowed my eyes as his face showed up on my magic mirror. Like I said, he's tricky that's his purpose. He tricks people and everything into submitting to him. But not me. That's why he hates me, he knows I'll never listen to him. Just like Alexandria. She's obstinate. She's determined, that's why I chose her. I knew she could handle the responsibility. But I also knew he'd be after her, I knew she was ready. She was ready to face him, but she has to figure out her destiny first, she has to figure out why she's here, with him, instead of her true family.

Her real mother and I, and her adoptive mother, the women I knew since I was just a mere learner of the goddess power, they understood why. When me and Serena talked, we knew when the baby was born that she was having, it was the child's destiny to stop Charles, we knew the consequences that came along with teaching such a young child, but if she practiced and trained, she would be stronger than him. Much stronger. She doesn't know the secret, she doesn't know the truth.

I breathed in and glared at the mirror. He only lightly chuckled.

"My my Faith, such a lovely woman...Too bad I'll have to kill you and that--that disgrace of a human being. What was her name? Sandra? Oh it doesn't matter, she'll be dead soon anyway." And he laughed to himself, grinning like a mad man.

"No she won't, you will. You were never meant to be alpha. Your the disgrace. She will always be ahead of you, in rank and in skill. Your just a stupid wolf. She has a reason to live, a reason to fight, and you, don't make me laugh. All you have is a god damn oversized ego." I growled, and his loud laugh rang through the room.

"You always were the funny one, Faith. You make me laugh every time you tell that story. She's a nothing. She will always be a nothing. Just like you were never anything." He smirked.

I quickly shut off the mirror and breathed heavily. No, she will win, she'll fight and she'll beat him, I know it. I just have to believe. I have to pray for her, and for her family. All of her family.

We'll fight, and we'll win. Nothing will stand in our way.

I smiled to myself and smoothed down my white dress, then took a deep breath and walked away.

You'll know in time Alexandria, you'll know in time.

Unknown's POV

I nodded as I held the phone close to my ear, pacing back and forth. The moon goddess called me and told me her plan, and I was told strictly not to tell Alexandria. She needs to know when the time is right. But with her gone, we will not be able to tell her anyway. Even though we know where she is.

When Daniel showed up at our door, we were surprised. All he said was Alexandria had found her mate, and he told us the location. Then we told Alpha Mason. Now we wait. He knows our plan, he fought with us for an hour claiming he didn't want his mate harmed, but we told him if she practices enough, she'll win. That's why she's in training. She doesn't know the real reason.

I sighed and ran a hand through my messed up bed head. I met with Alexandria's parents a couple days ago, we discussed the plan and some ideas over some tea.

I remember when Alexandria and I were young, we'd always play in the yard. Such a memorable time. But now with helping them out for the past year, we have never hung out at all. Either she'd be put to work by Charles, or she'd be beaten up by him. I've always hated that man, and he knew that too.

When Danny was a little over 14 years old, his mom died. Charles hated Alexandria so he seen this chance as a way to get his son to his side. It worked, for a few years. The poor kid believing his fathers stupid lies and being brainwashed to hate his only sister that loved him more than anything.

Then Daniel realized what a true prïck Charles was, and they fought. That's when Daniel left to find Alexandria.

I kept nodding into the phone, occasionally saying 'Yes' and 'Of Course'. I was talking to Alexandria's aunt. She knew of a way to get Alexandria back, but it'd be risky. All she wanted was her niece back. I know how that feels. I want my best friend back too.

I breathed a puff of air as I continued pacing. I then narrowed my eyes.

"Okay look. I'm exhausted. I love your ideas; but is it okay if I rest for a bit? We'll discuss this later over some coffee at your place."

I listened as she talked through the phone, telling me a good time to come over since she told me her husband leaves at 6pm. He has work, I guess.

"7? Sounds great. Thank you Jo. No it's okay. Alright thank you. Yup...okay. Bye."

I sighed in relief and hung up the phone. She was one of those people that keep you on the phone all night. I could not afford it. With Alexandria gone, I've not had much sleep.

I stopped pacing and went over to my bed, laying down softy on the smooth silk. I yawned tiredly and looked outside the window, then closed my eyes tiredly and fell asleep.

A/N: I don't usually put these. But uh...hello everyone. Who do you think the unknown person is? You'll find out in the next few chapters. And also, I'm so sorry I know I promised to update yesterday, but around 4:00pm I fell asleep, so whoever I promised Thursday that'd I update Friday, I am so sorry. Everyone please enjoy the chapter, love you all. Bye. 🙂

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