Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

I groaned as he kept walking. We've been walking for hours.

Can't we take a break?

I grumbles incoherent things under my breath and fixed my ponytail. I just threw it up after we walked for 10 minutes because it was bothering me in this blazing heat.

I ran a sweaty hand down my face. How the hell does he deal with this? I glared at his back as he kept walking not even once paying me any mind.

I was extremely thirsty, my stomach was grumbling, and I felt like I was going to faint in this sauna. I dramatically put a hand to my forehead and said out loud;

"When the hell are we gonna get there? We've been walking for hours!"

I heard him growl, obviously annoyed because every few minutes, I have something new to complain about.

I tried not to smile at his aggravation, but I couldn't help it...It was funny to watch him try to control his temper; all while walking in front of me.

He stopped dead in his tracks, making me bump into his back. I seen his muscles flex as he stopped, making me swoon.

Why does my mate have to be so good-looking?

I inwardly groaned, obviously ticked. I mean, come on moon goddess, at least make him have some flaw. He was an art masterpiece, created by the damn gods. All guys would be jealous of his beauty, he didn't have one thing off about him. Well except his nasty jerk face attitude.

I chuckled quietly to myself, earning a questioning look from Mason as he stopped abruptly, then he continued walking again, shaking his head as if clearing his thoughts.

"Something wrong, Alpha?..." I smirked as his back muscles flexed again, giving me a clear view of the bone structure in his back.

I drooled slightly, then blushed in embarrassment as Mason was snapping his fingers in my face. I didn't even notice he turned around; let alone moved. He just seen me check him out.

Oh lord. Another thing he can gloat about.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, ignoring him as he walked back in front of me.

Maybe he won't notice...I smirked to myself and checked him out again, but then I startled as I heard his deep voice.

"Staring is rude, Alex..."

I blushed and turned away, but I didn't see the branch so I tripped and landed right in his arms.

Stupid branch

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