Chapter 11

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Alex's Mom's POV

I trudged downstairs in my robe, my eyes all puffy and red, my nose runny, and my attitude disastrous. Just like it all has been for the past 18 years.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I skidded over to the coffee machine and covered my mouth as I yawned.

I turned on the coffee machine and boiled the water. I leaned up against the counter, completely bored.

I heard the sound of footsteps and looked up. I came face to face with my mate. My hot, hot mate. I smiled to myself and waved lightly.

He grabbed my hand and kissed each of my fingers, smiling at me, showing all of his crystal white teeth.

I blushed. Even after so many years together, he never fails to make me feel special.

I smiled at this. He was the best mate someone could ask for.

I hugged him, smiling sadly as I thought of our baby girl. She's out there--somewhere, she must be wishing she was with us.

I sighed and backed up, putting my head in my hands, feeling more tears I never even knew I still had building up in my eyes.

I felt a light kiss on my head. I looked up and seen the handsome smile of my mate.

I kissed his cheek, leaning up so I could reach, then I looked up into his eyes, now on my feet.

He grabbed my cheek, leaning into my face. Just as we were about to kiss, someone ran into the room.

"We found her!"

I gasped excitedly and looked up at Jason. (Her Mate)

His eyes lit up as he looked over at our Delta.


He lifted me up by my waist, and twirled me around, making me giggle and laugh.

He set me down and kissed me deeply, making me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I love you, Seline." He mumbled, leaning his forehead against mine.

I heard the clear of a throat.

"So should we call the limo--maybe the chauffeur...I'll just-- I'll call both."

He quickly walked out of the room, as we both stared at where he was recently standing. Then we started laughing.

"Jason!" I laughed, smacking his chest.

"You probably scared the boy to death. Remember, he's only 20." I chuckled, kissing his lips lightly.

"Yeah yeah." He laughed, ruffling my hair. I glared.

"You did NOT touch my hair." I growled, my eyes growing darker.

He quickly shook his head, and I smiled, hugging his waist. Works every time.

I smirked to myself and let go of him, turning on my heel and walking out.

I'm coming to find you, Alexandria...

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