Chapter 41

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Mason's POV

I looked down at Alex and she smiled at our child.

"Okay so his name will be..." She thought slowly.

"Grayson Dante River." She smiled, I nodded.

"It's perfect." I kissed her, she kissed me back with our baby still in her arms.

"Bleh..." We heard. We looked down and laughed as our little boy was making disgusted faces.

"Get used to it kid, this will happen a lot." I smirked. Alex laughed while he giggled, putting his hands up dramatically as if saying 'Why god? WHYYY?'

We both kissed each one of his cheeks and he smiled, but it didn't look like a smile, it looked more like he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, but with no teeth.

We kissed him again then gave him back to the nurse so she could go clean him up, and then we went to go visit our two girls. The girls looked a lot like Alex and some of me, but mostly Alex.

We walked up to their little tubes that the doctor put them in, and smiled down at them.

Ava looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back. She yawned, then it looked like she was tryna' stretch, but she looked sort of constipated.

I turned towards Rosalynn, who looked like she had just woken up, and I smiled at her. She just stared at me.

Alright note to self, Rosalynn has my personality. She's serious and mostly cold towards people, even her parents.

I mean, she is a few seconds older so it'd make sense, but I just didn't think this would happen.

Sighing, I looked at Alex. "I'm gonna go in the waiting room, just be careful and we'll be going home soon."

She nodded and kissed my cheek. I left the room and went to the waiting room, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Alpha?" I heard. I looked up and seen a woman smiling at me. She looked like a, no offense, but she looked like a slüt.

"Yes?" I narrowed my eyes. She sat on my lap, I grimaced.

"Want to know what irritates me?" I grinned fake. She nodded as if to say 'sure'.

"What irritates me is when a woman such as yourself, tries to hit on me when my mate just had a child, and you think I'd go for you?" I laughed sarcastically. She glared at me.

"Tomorrow, pack your things, you're out of the pack. If you're not gone by tomorrow at midnight, I will personally kick you out. What you've done is low, even for you." I glared. I got up, making her fall and I walked away.

I heard her whine dramatically, and I rolled my eyes and went back to Alex's hospital room.

"Alex." I called out for her. She looked back at me, smiling.

"Yeah?" She asked me, walking over and kissing me gently.

"How's our girls doing?" I smiled. The smile from before never left her face.

"They're great. They are asleep right now, but Ava is going to be the trouble maker. I just know it."

I laughed, nodding and kissed Alex's cheek. She smiled at me then turned back to the girls, who were asleep.

"Come on, they'll be released soon. We should go back to the house and get some rest." She nodded and followed me out. I went to the car and opened the door for her. She got in and I closed the door, walking over to my side and getting in. I started the car up and backed out of the hospitals parking lot, starting toward home.

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