Chapter 29

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Charles POV (Recap from chapter 24)

I ran out of there, I didn't know where I wa running but I was just leaving as fast as I could.

She turned, meaning it's time. I have to call the group and capture her.

I need her powers, it will help me take over the world. That child doesn't know what to do with that power, she'll just waste it. I know how to use it properly, it should go to me.

I growled and ran faster to the location. As soon as I got there, I kicked the door down and looked at everyone. They stopped their card game, and looked at me, as if waiting for me to say why I was breathing heavily and why the door is off its hinges.

"That slüt has her powers! Her eyes turned purple!" I yelled, pacing back and forth.

They looked at me shocked, as if knowing who I was talking about, which they did.

I told them of my sorry excuse of a step-daughter, and they hate her just as much as I do.

"What's the plan boss?" They all asked, and I looked over at my second in command, Joey.

"Joey I need you to group everyone up. I'll be back later to check your progress. Don't fail me."

He nodded, and started to do what I asked of him.

I left the room, and started on my plan.

First, I've gotta kill the boy.

Daniel has been getting in my way, so let's end his life first.

Second, Get rid of that mate of hers.

He's been watching her like a hawk, so let's end his life next.

Third, Confuse the moon goddess.

What she doesn't know won't hurt her. I'll distract her with something.

Fourth, Take her powers and defeat that slüt.

I smiled at my plan, and nodded. I mean sure, I felt bad because I did hurt the girl already, but she doesn't deserve these powers.

I walked out the room I was currently in, and left the house.

I've got to start my plan, soon.

Alex's POV

I took a deep breath, looking around me.

Mason has been very protective lately. He doesn't let me leave his side unless I have to use the bathroom.

If I go to the kitchen, he goes with me. If I go to our room, he follows me there too.

I finally got away from him for a few minutes. He had pack duty so I'm free.

I took a breath, grateful to the moon goddess.

I looked around me, and then felt a presence.

I looked over, and then everything went black.

A/N: Sorry it's short! I just left you all hanging so here's another chapter. I'll update soon, I just have a busy week so I may not be able to update for a few days. Till the next update...



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