Chapter 30

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Mason's POV

I finished up my pack work, then started walking back to the room to see Alex.

As I was turning down the hallway leading to the room, a guard ran to me, all flustered and worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, staring at him worriedly. Did something happen to Alex?

"Som- Someone--" He stopped to catch his breath.

"Someone what?!" I yelled, anxious about my mate's safety.

"Someone took Alex!" He yelled, and my entire world froze.

I growled angrily, moving the guard out of the way and running down the hall towards the bedroom.

I banged the door down, and seen it empty. The dresser was broken, the bed was messed up, and the blanket was on the floor.

I growled, my eyes turned red, and my fists were clenched tightly by my side.

Once I find out who took my mate, I am going to kill them.

It won't be a death sentence, oh no, it'll be death as in, a battle with the alpha.

I smirked slyly to myself, and turned back around, looking at the shaking guard with narrowed eyes.

"Get me Alex's parents. Find Charles, and find Daniel. We're going to find Alex, and he dies first."

When he just stood there, I took a deep breath and yelled, "GO!"

He instantly scrambled away, running at full werewolf speed to find her parents.

I rubbed my temples and ran back to my study, and logged back into my computer.

I searched up gang bases in the area, and some areas far away, and lots of results came up.

I clicked on the first one, and it was a picture of this run down area where it looked like a gang kept girls. Most of them were probably slüts, but still.

I looked closer, searching more in this article and seen they got a new girl.

It didn't show her face, but it looked like the picture was taken not to long ago, and the girl was wearing exactly what Alex was wearing before she was kidnapped.

I growled, slamming my hand on the desk, and on the keyboard.

When I get my hands on them, they're going to wish they were never born.

I got up, walked out of my study and down the hall.

Alex's parents came running to me, and I nodded at them.

They looked worried, and I made a 'c'mere' motion with my hand and led them into my study.

As soon as they were inside, I shut the door and locked it, then sat down on the chair behind my desk. They sat in the chairs in front of me.

I folded my hands, and looked at them, feeling their pain greatly.

"I found her."

Were my first words uttered in this quiet eerily silenced study.

"Where is she?!" Serene screamed at me, her eyes all puffy and red.

I room a deep breath, and stared seriously at her.

"She's in a run down gang building. I didn't see the girls face, but she was wearing the exact same clothing Alex was wearing before she was kidnapped." I said calmly, and they looked at me bewildered.

"How are you so calm?! My daughter is out there HURT, and she's your mate!" Serene growled at me. I looked at her with red eyes, a slight glare in them that made her instantly sit back and shut up.

"I told you, I'm handling this. Any sign of weakness will lead them right to us. I know I should have been watching her, but I didn't think they'd go as far as to kidnap her. The windows were locked, the door was locked, so I have no idea how they got in without Alex seeing them." I said seriously, looking at them. Serene nodded.

"My poor little girl..." She whispered. "She must be so hurt and confused. You have to help her! Please, just go get her."

I sighed, rubbing my temples. In the few months I've known Serene, I've learned there's no reasoning with her. You either do it her way, or lose a hand.

"Alright alright. Just give me time to create a plan and I'll rescue her. But remember, this isn't a fairytale. I don't know if she's dead or alive."

"Plan?! There's no time for plans! You have to rescue her now!" She yelled at me, and I growled, slamming my hands on the desk and standing up.

"I told you! I'll handle it! Stop telling me things I already know! For fücks sake! I get it, Alex is hurt, you think I don't know this?! Now shut the fück up and let me rescue her. Sitting here and yelling at me won't bring her back, and sure as hell won't make me go any faster. Now sit your äss down and let me work! The more you talk to me with that tone, the less time we have to save her!" I screamed, frustrated with her attitude. She went to protest, but Jason looked at her sternly and she instantly shut up.

"Thank you!" I said, taking deep breaths and leaning my head back.

"Let's start on the plan, I'm worried." Jason mumbled, and I nodded, grabbing some paper and a pen.

"Let's get started." I mumbled, and he nodded.

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