6 - "Eat Nan's dirty sock!"

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It's so weird seeing my dad in every day clothes. I've grown used to seeing him wearing his uniform. When he wears casual clothes, it reminds me he is also a normal person, not just a soldier fighting for our country.

"Daddy!" Toby yells and runs to hug dad. He just came home from his friend's house. You can see happiness written across his face when he saw dad standing in the house. "Hey, buddy. How've you been?"

"Great." Toby beams.

"Have you been good to your sister?" I snicker while Toby nods. He's been a pain in my butt the whole time. Toby sticks his tongue out to me and I do the same.

Maturity age: 5

"What happened to your hair?" My annoying little bro asks and scrunches up his face. "You look even uglier than usual."

"I'm gonna get you, you twerp!" I yell and Toby starts running away from me and I after him. This usually happens when Toby pushes my buttons.

We run all over the house, until he disappears around the corner and I stop to listen. Besides my dad's laugher coming from the other room (he must be happy to see us, even if we want to kill one another), I hear the door to the small laundry room open and close. Got him! I quietly make my way into the room, making sure he doesn't hear me enter. He is in the broom closet, because he can't be anywhere else. He could hide in the washing machine if he were smaller, but if he attempted to do that at his age and height, he would probably get stuck in it.

So far, I didn't make any sound and I am happy. It's me who is the clumsy one in the family. I couldn't get that from my father. He is in the freaking military for pineapple's sake. I make my way to hide in the corner of the room, behind the door of the broom closet and now I wait. But it's not long before I can see the door handle turn and the door opens. Toby walks from the small closet and that's when I jump out.

Literally jump.

Toby squeaks like a little girl as I knock him on the floor beneath me. "Got ya, twerp!" He is trying to escape me by kicking and wiggling underneath me, but I hold him firmly on the ground with his hands on his back. "You're gonna pay for what you said."

"Daddy!" He begins to call, but I grab a dirty sock from the basket of dirty clothes and push it in his mouth.

"Eat Nan's dirty sock!" I yell to him as I see the sock, which I shoved in his mouth belongs to Nan. So gross.

I grab duct tape from the nearby shelf and tape his hands together behind his back. Then I do the same to his feet, which was a bit of a struggle really. He was resisting by kicking around, but in the end I managed, since I was still sitting on him. I stand up and examine my worm-like brother from above. I laugh and then an idea comes to mind. I am an evil genius. I should really be hired by FBI to do this for a living. I grab a dirty pair of SpongeBob underwear (Toby's – I decided to be merciful today), shove it on his head and tuck tape it around his neck, so he won't be able to take it off.

"Here, I am done!" I quickly snap a few pictures with my phone before dad comes into the room with Nan following.

Dad's expression is mixed with confusion and amusement, while Nan's is just angry. A few second pass with them not saying anything but them dad bursts out laughing. It brings a smile to my face, but Nan continues to glare at both of us.

"Do you think this is funny, Sean?!" She starts to scream and dad's laughter dies down, but he still has a smile on his face.

"How often does this happen?" Dad asks with a laugh. Toby is still wiggling like a worm on a hook.

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