14 - This is Sam, not Harry Styles!

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"Nan, I am leaving!" I yell to her from the hallway.

"Have fun, and don't kill the little ones." I playfully roll my eyes.

I am babysitting the twins again today. Sam's out and Mrs. Hale has got a meeting of some sort. She asked me if I am free, and I am not going to say no to easy money. The two girls are angels.

Tomorrow is the big day – the amusement park day! I am beyond excited to go. The same second I got into the house on Monday, I called for Nan to sign the permission slip. And I taped it to my bedroom door, so I will definitely see it the other day. As for Sam, he almost forgot. I reminded him the next morning when we woke up and Mrs. Hale was signing it in their driveway on Sam's back as she was on her way to work. Needless to say Sam got a light slap in the face from his mother for being forgetful. I would hit him harder if he were my son.

I walk out of my house with the bag hanging from my shoulder. Mr. Harris gave us homework. He is the most hated teacher in the whole school, since he's known for giving homework until the last day off school. I heard he gave homework to one student to do during the summer's vacation one time. I would just die if he did that to me.

I ring the doorbell of the house and Mrs. Hale opens the door. She smiles at me while managing to put on her necklace.

"Do you need some help with that?" I gesture to her necklace.

"Please?" I nod and she turns around, so I can clip the necklace around her neck. I do that and she thanks me after. "Thank you so much for coming, dear."

"It's not a problem, really. I like the twins." She smiles as I say that.

"Now, here is what you need to know," I nod and listen carefully. "No sugar what so ever until the rest of the day. Don't get distracted by those puppy dog eyes of theirs, okay?" I laugh and nod.

"I'll try."

"You heat this up for dinner and make sure they eat everything on their plate." She shows me a pot with vegetable soup in it. "You can have some, too if you want." I nod. "Sonia is allergic to peas, so don't give it to her. But make sure Lucy eats them." She gestures to the rest of the meal she prepared. It all looks so delicious I feel my mouth water. "I have to run now, so be careful."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Hale. Everything is under control."

"Thank you again, sweetie." She waves to me once more before closing the door after her.

"Girls!" I call out to them and soon they run to me while giggles escape their lips.

"Nicky!" They both call my name in excitement with the biggest smiles.

"Your hair isn't pink anymore." Sonia says and points to it.

"The color washed off." I explain and put the bag onto the couch while sitting on it. "So, what do you want to do now that you're stuck with me for the day?"

"We want to watch a cartoon." Lucy immediately says and Sonia nods, agreeing with her sister.

"That's fine by me. I love cartoons." The girls squeal and each of them grab my hand, walking me to their huge collection of DVDs.

"We're too short to reach the shelves." Lucy points to the shelf, which is right in front of me.

"So, what do you want to watch?"

"Disney!" They scream at the same time. How can you not giggle at these two? They're adorable.

"Okay ..." I search for all the Disney DVDs and set them next to one another on the floor, so the two blondes can choose. And there's a lot of Disney!

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