15 - "I totally ship them."

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As a matter of fact, I was able to sleep perfectly well tonight. The excitement was still there for what's still to come today. We all had to wake up early, because we have a few hours of driving to do before we reach the desired destination. As every morning, Sam and I drove together to school. A line of busses is parked in the parking lot, waiting for us. I see the rest of the group already here.

Sam and I walk towards them after checking with the teacher that we're here. "Hey." I say excitedly to everyone. Alex is also here with his arm around Nina. I've never talked to him before, but I would like to. Nina has told me a lot of good things about him, so let's hope they're all true.

Speaking of an official introduction ...

"Alex, meet Nicky and Sam." Nina says and gestures to us. I smile at Alex and shake his extended hand.

"It's nice to finally be introduced." Alex says and smiles.

"Same here." I say.

"I've been telling Nina to introduce me to her best friend for ages." I chuckle at him. He seems alright for now. I open my mouth to say something, but he beats me to it. "I know what you're going to say – don't break Nina's heart, because then you'll end up with a broken neck." I laugh at him, mostly because I was about to say that.

"Woah, he can read minds." Nina and Alex chuckle at the same time. The teacher starts yelling for our class to go on the bus.

"Nicky ..." Nina stops me by holding my wrist. "Do you mind if I sit with Alex?"

"But I thought we'll sit together." I say a bit disappointed. "We always do."

"Please ..." She whines.

I groan. "Fine!" I exclaim in annoyance. "I will find someone to sit with." We walk towards the front of the bus.

"Sam has a free seat." Nina whispers into my ear from behind as we're walking along the bus seats. Just as I look towards Sam, he calls my name and waves to come to him. I sigh and continue my walk to him.

"Come sit, kitty." I roll my eyes and sit down next to him.

"I cannot believe I am stuck with you for a few hours." I mutter. I look around and notice Chace and Alec are sitting right behind us. Nina is sat somewhere in the front with Alex.

"What are you talking about? I am a delight." Sam acts like I've hurt his feelings.

"Yeah right ..." Chace's head pops between the seats. "The day you stop obsessing over how your hair looks ... I'll be there to congratulate you." I laugh, but Sam's hand is on Chace's face and he pushes his head away from between the seats.

"Idiot." Sam mutters and leans against his seat with a sigh.

The bus starts to move soon after and the teacher comes to count us along the bus. She taps everyone's head as she counts out loud. When she comes to us, Sam dodges her hand, which earns him a laugh from me and a stern look from the teacher.

"You are so vain." I say while giggling.

"Only about my hair. You can't deny they don't look great." I roll my eyes at him and pull out headphones from my bag. I stick them into my ear and press play on whichever song I last listened to. I feel a nudge on my side and pull one headphone out of my ear.

"What?" I ask Sam.

"I want to listen to music too." He pouts and I hand him one of my headphones. As he takes it, he pulls my other one out of my ear. The cable isn't long, so I have to move closer to Sam.

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