32 -"Hello, sir."

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"Happy birthday!" All 3 of us burst into Toby's bedroom at 1 p.m. Yes, me, Nan and dad. Dad! He came just an hour ago and got settled in. I still need to talk to him about everything, though.

"What is going on?" Toby mumbles as he sits up in his bed. I throw myself on top of him, making him completely awake. "Get off!" He yells at me and pushes me to the floor, making my butt hurt. "Dad!" Toby yells and goes to hug dad, almost knocking him onto the floor.

"Happy birthday!" Dad says to Toby, again and hands him a perfectly wrapped gift he got him.

"Woah!" Toby gasps as he tears the wrapping paper and opens the small box. He pulls out a new slingshot, which dad probably made all by himself. "Thank you so much!" He hugs dad once more and dad laughs as he sees the grin on his son's face.

"It's my turn now to give you my gift." Nan hands Toby her own gift bag. He wastes no time in taking out his gift.

"Thank you, Nan." Toby exclaims again, hugging Nan as he holds up a baseball glove and a baseball glove.

"You're welcome, sweetie." She kisses Toby's cheek before letting him go from the hug.

"Here you go." I hand him my own wrapped up gift. He already knows what my gift is, but not entirely.

"Another video game?" Nan exclaims.

Toby and I have this kind of pact between us. For every birthday we give each other a video game we can both play together; except, none of us knows what kind of game we would get. By his grin, I have a feeling he loves my choice.

"Thank you, Nicky." He exclaims and hugs me as well. I hug him back, of course. He jumps out of his bed and shoos us out, so he can get ready.

I get back to my room and plop down onto my bed, turning on my computer, so I can watch some random movie before lunch. Oh, and something happened a few days ago.

The group, all of us, met down at the beach and now everyone knows about me and Sam dating. And all of them had different reactions. Alec jumped in the air, yelling he knew this was going to happen one day. Alex gave Sam some creepy advice how to get me into bed, which I don't even want to know about. Then there was Nina who, firstly, punched Alex for saying such a thing to Sam, and secondly, jumped into my arms, squealing like crazy. She's already started planning double dates.

And then things got serious among us as I told everyone about Noah and Chrissy. They didn't pity me, though. And I am most grateful they didn't. They all listened to my story and were more than supportive. When I finished telling the whole thing, they all hugged me. I could've cried from happiness right there.

Even my dad knows about us. He's met Sam before, but not as my boyfriend. I am afraid he's going to give him the talk today when he comes to Toby's party. Toby invited him, and even if he weren't invited, he'd come, because I would tell him to.

And he's not the only one dad is going to talk to. Noah is coming. Of course dad is going to want to talk to him, Noah being my brother and all. It's kind of essential for dad to talk to him. I have a feeling it's going to be awkward.

I was about to press play on the movie, but a knock on my bedroom door prevents me from doing so. Dad comes in and I put the computer aside.

"Would you like to take a quick walk?" He asks, leaning against the door frame. I take a deep breath and nod. I know that we're going to have to talk about things that have happened.

"Let me just put on my shoes." He nods and walks down the hallway and downstairs. I put on my Vans and grab my phone before going out the door and downstairs, where dad is waiting for me by the front door.

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