10 - And she said she's not dangerous?

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It's been just like any other Thursday. I've been to school, Toby has gone to his friend's house, and Nan is working late shifts this entire week. I am home alone, stuffing my face with popcorn while watching some show on TV. Yes, I've eaten lunch, but that's my desert.

Nothing weird has happened the whole week in school either. Except, the guys decided to start sitting with Nina and I at lunch. We've gotten weird glances the whole time. People were talking about it.

"OMG, the popular guys are sitting with them."

"How did it happen? And how can I make it happen for me?"

"They must've slept together or they wouldn't get a second glance from them."

Nina and I heard comments like that around school hallways for the entire three days, but slowly, people started to deal with it and left us alone. So, now it's just some old, unimportant news.

But I've seen Lauren's glances towards our table every day at lunch. They were not nice, and were mostly directed at me. I caught her staring, or more like glaring at me across the room a few times. I bet it's because Sam and I've been hanging out a lot more than usual. We've arrived to school together every day and if one of us had detention (that was Sam, not me) or some other thing after school, we'd wait for one another. A perfect friendship, eh? So, yeah it's safe to say that Lauren wasn't happy about it, since Sam didn't pay any attention to her.

She even came over a few times in the hallways between periods (not minding that Sam and I had a conversation going) and kept flirting with him. He didn't flirt back, to which I told him I was proud of. He is sticking to his word, to which, again I am very proud of.

I was also not surprised when she approached me at school in the morning, when I was getting books out of my locker. That happened today.

"Hey, Nicky." Her voice was all sweet.

"Yeah?" I looked at her confused, because let's face it; she didn't come here to compliment my hair.

But that is exactly what she did. "I love your hair." Her fake smile was present the entire time. Plus, her tone of voice was very much fake and didn't sound at all genuine (not that I was surprised), so of course she was making fun of me. "What do you do to it to get it in such great shape?" She didn't give me time to say anything. "There must be something you're doing otherwise Sam wouldn't be hanging out with you." There it is – the side of her which I was waiting for. But I was prepared.

"So, you think it's because of my hair?"

"Yeah, Sam loves hair." True, but she's just so dumb if she thinks it's because of my messy, uncombed hair.

"It's not hair, Lauren." I told her and slammed my locker closed, leaning against it with my side.

"Then what?" She snapped at me, but her fake smile was quick to appear.

"It's called a good personality, my dear. And clearly, Sam likes mine." I said and gave her a fake smile. Her expression turned confused. "It's something you don't have, so maybe that's why you're not familiar with it." She got angry very fast. But I was enjoying this too much to not smile.

"Let me just say this once and let me say it clearly," I smirked at her (yeah, I've found myself smirking a lot lately – stupid Sam). "Stay out of my way. Don't interfere with Sam and me, because I can play dirty, sister."

"I was expecting a threat the second your clown face showed up here," Her jaw got tight. "But I am not going to stop being friends with Sam just because your perky little ass wants to get some from him, okay?" I stopped smirking at that point, because I was dead serious. "Stop threatening me, because it's not working, sister." I picked up my bag, slugged it over my shoulder and turned to walk away. Her bony fingers caught my wrist and I stopped to turn around.

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