8 - "Jumping kangaroos!"

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Nina has gone home about half an hour ago, so here was just me and Sam in my room. We just finished watching an episode of Supernatural. That's Sam's favorite show. It's not bad, to be honest, but I prefer to watch comedy shows. I love to laugh at people making fools out of themselves.

"I think I'll go now. It's getting a bit late." Sam slides off the bed and stretches. His t-shirt goes up a little, revealing his muscles and I think I might just faint. I keep staring at his torso. I shake my head as I hear Sam chuckle. He is looking at me with a smirk, knowing what I've been staring at.

"Don't say a single word." I warn, but he just laughs. I will not only faint from the abs, but also from the heat, which overtook my cheeks.

"I wasn't going to."

"We all know you can't keep your mouth shut when cockiness overtakes your mind."

"Okay, so you're maybe right."

"I always am." I say proudly.

"See you tomorrow, kitty." And we're back the nickname. He climbs out of my window and carefully slides through his. That was smooth. I would kill myself if attempting this.


"Be good you two, okay?" Dad hugs Toby once more.

It is morning and we are all standing in our driveway, saying bye to dad as he has to leave again. His ride is already here, just waiting for us to bid our goodbyes. They are all very patient with us. That's because they all understand how it is leaving your family behind for who knows how long.

"We'll try." I hug him tight, not wanting to let go. But I know that eventually I'll have to. He has to go as well as the rest of us, since stupid school starts in half an hour.

"Don't anger your Nan more than needed, got it? Listen to her and stay out of trouble." He hugs me and Toby one more time before moving to hug Nan.

"Be careful, do you hear me Sean?" Nan is already crying. I am trying to hold it in if I am being honest.

"Sean!" One of dad's mates calls from the truck. "We really need to go now!"

"I'm coming, mate!" Dad calls back to the tall bald guy, who's no older than dad. "I love you all." He grabs his duffle bag and turns around to walk to the truck.

He looks to his right and raises his hand as if to greet someone. I look to where dad is looking and see Sam with the rest of his family. Mrs. Hale a.k.a. dad's ex-girlfriend is waving at him as well, a sad smile on her face. It has to be slightly hard for her as well, considering they were close all those years ago. He was her friend after all.

Dad goes into the truck and it speeds down the road as soon as he closes the door. I already miss him. Nan and Toby go into the car and drive off to drop the brat off at school and Nan has to go to work.

I sigh, grab my bag from the floor and head for the car. "Hey Nicky!" I turn around and Sam is waving at me. He jogs towards me.

"What's up?"

"Do you want a ride?" Now, I'm shocked.

"Um, sure." I say and walk after Sam to his car and we get in. Seconds pass before we are speeding down the road and towards school. "How come you wanted to give me a ride?" I ask during the ride.

"I guess I just wanted a buddy today." I chuckle at his explanation.

"You're not embarrassed to be seen with me?" I ask as we reach the school's parking lot. He looks at me with a questioning expression.

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